How to fill out the Order Spreadsheet:
How to fill out the Order Spreadsheet:
Please make sure that you are using the latest Excel Sheet found on the dashboard.
The top of the excel sheet is an example of how to fill out the sheet. Please don’t edit this section of the document.
The bottom half of the document is where you update your information. This section is called ‘Your real order data.’ Please don't delete rows or change column headers.
All information must be filled out accurately. If mistakes are made, the dashboard will notify you of an error. You can fix the error manually within the dashboard.
Important Notes
### Must be edited as an Excel or CSV file
The spreadsheet must be edited in Excel or as a CSV file. At this time, Google Sheets is not supported.
### Amendments must be done through support
If you require changes to your order once you have submitted the spreadsheet, you must contact support.
Call toll-free: 1-888-631-7895
Email: [[email protected]](/cdn-cgi/l/email-protection#1f6c6a6f6f706d6b5f79737e6c777d7067317c70)
Live Chat directly from our website
Updated on: 10/03/2023
Thank you!