What is Same-Day Delivery?
Same-Day Delivery is our off-the-shelf, affordable delivery solution for businesses.
Must fit within our maximum parcel dimensions
Must be located within our delivery zone
Must be adequately packaged
Must not require special attention (i.e. not fragile, perishable or special needs)
Must adhere to all customer terms and conditions
Merchants must submit their order forms before 11 am
We pick up merchant parcels from their home, store or warehouse
Parcels are brought back to our Sorting Centre to be organized into delivery routes
Independent drivers deliver parcels to the drop-off locations
Note: This process might have client parcels being delivered amongst other clients' items to ensure efficiency.

Delivery Minimum
Must fit within our maximum parcel dimensions
Must be located within our delivery zone
Must be adequately packaged
Must not require special attention (i.e. not fragile, perishable or special needs)
Must adhere to all customer terms and conditions
The Same-Day Delivery Process
Merchants must submit their order forms before 11 am
We pick up merchant parcels from their home, store or warehouse
Parcels are brought back to our Sorting Centre to be organized into delivery routes
Independent drivers deliver parcels to the drop-off locations
Note: This process might have client parcels being delivered amongst other clients' items to ensure efficiency.
Delivery Timeline:

Updated on: 10/03/2023
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